Prototyped a document management system with Java EE, Oracle DB, and Apache Solr. This system enabled customized document management workflow and allowed users to search documents using the preferred criteria.
Maintained and extended line-of-business applications built with .NET Framework. Such applications enabled production engineers to easily retrieve, store, and visualize data from production stages. These applications also integrated support for factory floor equipment and removed the dependency on vendor software.
Worked on field reporting and visual media production.
Products included short video reportages and photographs.
Projects and Coursework
Scalable, Cloud-Native Hybrid Private NetworkJune 2020 - present Built a Linux-based, software defined network linking local and cloud server instanced. Implemented zero-trust across the network, and allowed unified access of networked resources.
3D-Graphics and RenderingJanuary - April 2021 Implemented a OpenGL-like software graphics rendering library in C++. Lead a three-member team and added shadow mapping function to the base rendering library.
Mobile Game: Angry DefenseSeptember - December 2020 Built an Angry Birds-inspired turn-based physics game using Unity with a team, leading the implementation of game logic, physics, and telemetry. Conducted data analysis with Power BI.
Computer GraphicsAugust - November 2020 Implemented a height mapper and an animated roller coaster in C++ and OpenGL. Implemented a simple software ray tracer in C++.
Mobile Game: ElementallyMay - July 2020 Built a Monument Valley-inspired physics game using Unity with a team, focusing on core game logic, DevOps, and integration testing.
Multimedia Systems DesignJanuary - May 2020 Built a media file synapse image generator using .NET Core, Egmu CV, ImageMagick, and FFmpeg. Implemented various image processing and compression algorithms.
Rail RomanesqueOctober 2020 Contributed to production of this anime series by providing needed audio recordings (under the pseudonym Late in Autumn).
Train Girl Illustrated Handbook 2August 2019 Chinese title:《铁道少女图鉴2》; ISBN: 9787554307243. Contributed to this publication by providing documentary photography works.
Photograph print: RipariusOctober 2018 - April 2019 Exhibited at Skidmore College Student Art in Library Fall 2018.
Train Girl Illustrated HandbookDecember 2017 Chinese title:《铁道少女图鉴》; ISBN: 9787554304464. Contributed to this publication by providing documentary photography works.